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Your Ichi Experience

Creating Spaces for new opportunities

Ichi Experience is about getting the toolkit that allows you to be "in harmony" and "at one" with yourself, family, co-workers and even that person who is "impossible". Through a unique technology, you only have to participate, and we promise that you will transform relationships in your life, uncover why those areas in your life don't work or don't work as well as you'd like. Peace, harmony, fun, satisfaction and fulfillment are some of the results of a life lived with Ichi Experience.

R e c e i v e

Your Ichi Experience will provide multiple Ontological Insights and Personal Engineering tools which will empower you, to choose who you would like to Be, in any situation. This experience will give you access to:

o Open communications channels

o Clarify your perception

o Transform conflict into resolution

o Recognize what was not evident

o Widen your vision of life

o Expand your performance

o Increase your energy levels

T r a n s f o r m


Through our technology and guided coaching, you will have multiple opportunities to realize for yourself what constrains you've built that limit what is possible, you will see the impact that this creates in your life and the reasons that you continue to Be and create such limiting experiences.

Let Go

Once you've acquire awareness of yourself during the realization period, you can then choose to let go of all that which limits your life experience. This experience will leave you with a profound sense of transformation in your life.

C r e a t e

Transformational, Extraordinary and Lasting Results

Free from constrains, Your Ichi Experience will empower you to create spaces for any situation from a transformed mindset. Our commitment is that you can create spaces of:

creating spaces

R e g i s t e r

Start to create spaces in your life today!

Your Ichi Experience takes place over 1.5 days and is based on an Ontological approach to life coaching. Ichi is japanese for "one" and when applied to our Being, it represents oneness: The Experience of being whole and complete. During your ichi experience, your personal coach will create a space where there is Respect, Love, Integrity and Authenticity, a space where communication flows free from judgements so that you can discover your Ichi Experience.

Stay tuned for our next Ichi Experience opportunity!

Click here to register

Ichi Experience, a product of:

olrn.info Ichi Experience